
Quality assurance from professionals

Design and production services

Development and production of equipment

Labromed Laborator offers design and small series production services for laboratory and special purpose equipment.

At your request we can develop equipment of the required type and characteristics, as well as offer small and medium series production of this equipment, or equipment developed by you. Depending on the complexity of the equipment it can be produced entirely on Labromed Laborator's production facilities, or our company can act as a contractor or main contractor in the production of complex equipment.

As an example, following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, in response to requests from public and medical institutions to provide solutions for cleaning the air in the rooms of these institutions, Labromed Laborator has set up UVAC air sterilizers. Very popular is the UVAC 250 model (you can see here the page of this product):

The UVAC 250 air cleaner is an example of a fully engineered and produced equipment produced by and entirely on Labromed Laboratory facilities :